I have been able to create a model with a sequence code that successfully generates when I create a record directly from the model's view. However, attempting to do the same from a One2many tree view fails to generate the code which in turn does not allow a user to create the record.
Create function:
def create(self, vals):
obj = super(Beneficiary,self).create(vals)
if obj.code == _("New"):
number = self.env["ir.sequence"].get('beneficiary') or _("New")
return obj
Tree Definition:<page string="Beneficiaries">
<field name="beneficiary_training" nolabel="1">
<tree string="Beneficiaries">
<field name="code"/>
<field name="id_number"/>
<field name="number"/>
I am using Odoo Version 13
Did you set a default value for code? How? You can do this via the one2many field context attribute. See how we do it for the invoice_line_ids field on an Invoice. We define a default partner_id to populate on each journal item order_id to each line. context="{'default_partner_id': commercial_partner_id}"
Hey @Ray. Yes, I've used a default in code as shown below:
code = fields.Char(
string="Beneficiary No.",
default=lambda self: _("New"),
help="ID used for internal beneficiary tracking tracking.")
I'm not looking to use a default code, the goal is that one can create a new record through a one2many tree and the sequence numbers will continue generating in the same order.