I have created a table for Field service with one2many link to Timesheet. with 3 type of punch categories and i need to view them in separate notebook-page in form.
class call_info(models.Model):
call_no=fields.Char("Call No")call_type=fields.Char("Call Type")call_timesheet_ids=fields.One2many('call.timesheet.info','call_id')class Call_Timesheet(models.Model):I am using the following view to display
_name = "call.timesheet.info"
call_id = fields.Many2one('cms.info.model')
task_id = fields.Char(related='call_id.task_no')
# punch_category=fields.Many2one('timepunch.category')
('Callpunchin', 'Punch Time'),
('Equipmentfacetime', 'Equipment Facetime'),
('Labourtime', 'Labour Activity')], default='Callpunchin',store=1)
punch_type = fields.Char()
start_time = fields.Datetime()
end_time = fields.Datetime()
The display works fine, but my requirement is to show all each punchin category in a separate page in same form. Let me know how to do it