I'm new to Odoo and using Enterprise V11. I have been struggling to understand how it works in matters of timezone, if there is anyone that could help me with this doubts and with a little problem I have it would be great.
First of all, I understand that Odoo runs from Server to Docker to Instance, and each of them has a particular timezone.
Then my problems are:
How can I check all the timezones? (like im just using UI, I have a bit py knowledge but not that much).
Changing timezones would affect Odoo reliability in auto-change users tz by preference choice?.
I have read that changing Timezone preference from any User, should adapt the time checked in each time var to show the corresponding time from user's timezone, like if we have a created at field 12:01 UTC -4, if we change to UTC -3 it should show 13:01 instead but its not doing so, it's telling this:
Timezone Mismatch: The timezone of your browsed doesn't match the selected one. The time in Odoo is displayed according to your field timezone.
I haven't checked this much further to see if it gives problem in documentation.When im trying to make a report, time is show in Instance timezone "UTC-4" but its read from Server or Docker in "UTC 0", this is making us to have problems like if we group by months, every move made between 20:01 - 23:59 are showing in the following month and not the correct one.
When exporting these reports, time is given in UTC 0 instead of local UTC -4.
SLA's policies are failing, we assume it is due to this problem, more likely if we set a working time [9:00;13:30]U[14:30;18:30] all tickets that are sent during these range, should start the SLA timer to go, if time is out of these intervals, it should not run, but somehow tickets that are being sent offtime, start running 05:00.