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Hello, i have successfully setup openerp 7 in centos and everything runs smoothly expect the emails. I have setup the outgoing mail server but all the emails i sent from openerp is landing to the spam box. I also checked that, the email address given on the company page is being used no matter what i have configured on the outgoing mail server. For example, If i add my company mail id as, the welcome mail is being sent from and its directly getting to the spam.

Am i missing some part of the configuration? Because i want all my employees to use the openerp interface to send their emails and i don't find any settings in their login where they can configure their own outgoing email server. Can some one please help me what i am missing here.



Most anti-spam softwares report extra-information in the header of emails about their ranking as spam. Check the detailed header in the received email to understand why it has been ranked as a spam.

Author Best Answer

Ok i got this fixed. The problem was with the signature that says Access your messages and personal documents through our Customer Portal

It was linking to the ip address. I got the ip address changed to domain and its works fine now.


Dear Rishi,

How do you that change?

Best Answer

This has nothing to do with openERP. You need to properly setup your email server. If you do not have a static IP address and a domain that you own stop, you cannot prevent your mail from going to spam sending mail from your server.

You absolutely cannot send email claiming to come from a domain you do not own and expect it to go anywhere but to the spam box.

Telling your server to claim its mail if from a domain you do not own, like, guarantees all your email will goto spam.


Yes i understand that, I do have my own static ip address and a domain that i own. I am not trying to send email claiming from some other domain but i am saying that all the emails are treated that way.

You need to setup SPF ptr dkim records for your domain. This has nothing to do with openERP