I'm using Odoo 8 (Sinology version) in french.
When I do a quotation, everything seems perfect until I try to print it :
The page layout of the headers is incomplete, the shipper and the recipient are mixed
Some items like the quantity and the unit price are not translated and must be "quantité" and "prix unitaire"
Not tested with invoices.
How can I fix that ?
Thx a lot.
For translation, You çan force to re-synchronize terms in setting tab (with Technical features activated) ! About the template it's strange but i cannot Help without see the template :/
I can not join the template because there is no function to do that in this forum (or I did not find it).
I'm looking for the setting you spoke about (in setting tab with technical features activated)... Where is it ?
If you speak french (as a Belge), parlons français !