I face an inconsistent Subtotal rounding in Quotation. The quotation comes from external data (via import menu). My current Odoo version is 8.
I have quantity 60 with 6 decimal precision and Unit Price 90.075600 with also 6 decimal precision (which is already defined in Settings > Database Structure > Decimal Accuracy > Product Price, Account, Product Unit of Measure, Product UoS all set to 6). But the subtotal result shows 5404.54 (it's supposed to be 5404.536).
How subtotal rounding works in Quotation?
If I need to change the python code, which part/file I have to change?
Thank you.
I already changed back Product Unit of Measure, Product UoS to 2 digit and created new quotation but the subtotal rounding still same.
But I found out that it's currency rounding factor problem. In Accounting > Configuration > Miscellaneous > Currencies I changed from 0.01 to 0.000001.