Hello, I'm a new developer to odoo community and I'm really fascinated by the great support and rich forum.
I need to create my own module lets say "Task Management" and it would have around 60 users, which clearly depends on HR and accounting modules that odoo presents. I use odoo 12
Actually, I'm a little confused, since I need no more than 12 users for HR and accounting built-in odoo modules, and I need around 60 users for my own "task management" module, the question is: should I pay the fees for 60 users of odoo modules or just for 12 users, knowing that my module's users (60) should communicate with HR users (12)
Sorry for the unstructured question, I appreciate every suggestion.
Awaiting your soon replies, Thanks
I have an idea to bypass the user fees since we have users for using the module "Task management" and users for using the "HR" module and managing other modules. I think if we create a separate user management module (using Django and Flask) and we create one user at odoo to manage "Tasks" then we can let all registered users (via the separate module) to perform procedures on "Tasks" using the one authorized user (registered at odoo) and also we an include the name of this user (which is unknown for odoo) within the field of tasks in database. How efficient is this approach?