1.Our companies use different odoo's database,is that possible to connect them? for example:A company make a "purchase order" to B company in the "purchases" module(at A company's database),then the B comapny could use some way to get the purchase order and make them into a "sale order" in "sales" module?(at B company's database)
if the previous answer are "no", the plan B is:
2.If we use "multi-company" module for our companies in the same database,were I able to do things like: A company user make a "purchase order" to B company in the "purchases" module(B company as supplier),then the B comapny would automatically generate a "sale order" with purchase order's value in "sales" module?(A company as customer)
The finial goal is if a company make a sale/purchase request,the customer/supplier's company would automatically generate a order,so we dont need to input the value twice.
Many thanks for reading :)
P.S We're using odoo 8 Commuity now,might go for 9 in the future.