I have to settle on payment with partner invoice. But the transaction inside the partner is receivable and payable. When I reconcile the transaction for the settlement of payment, there is two separate ledger for receivable and payable.
How can I settle/reconcile this payment ??
Please provide me with more information about the case.
First option:
Go to Accounting-> partner ledger -> search for this partner -> select the both transactions "those transactions that should be settled against each other" -> click on reconcile.
Note that the residual amount will go to payable or receivable based on the amount.
Second option:
1. Go to Accounting -> journal entries -> create manual journal entry and choose miscellaneous journal . Note that the account side is for the sake of example
Acc. payable
Partner A
Acc. Receivable
Partner A
Then post.
2. Go to Reconciliation -> reconcile each journal item against the INV OR BILL.
Hope this will help.