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How can I set the Cost of the package and assign a package to the product in inventory (Box) ????

need when I put the package to the delivery order, automatically deduct from store same like any product 

Best Answer

Follow the below steps for adding cost of package (Sales Module):

Configure "Product Packages" from sales module and save it. 

For assigning the cost of package you can just create a new product and add it to the product line when you create a sales order. 

Below the product line you will see "Put in Pack" option in blue in Odoo 15. Click that after you added all the products in you product line. Now you can move you inventory to make the delivery. 

Follow the below steps for assigning product in inventory (Inventory Module):

From the inventory module configure "Packages" and "Product Packagings".

The function of "Packages" is similar to that of the sales module. Packaging, however, is different. You can assign a Packaging to a single product and put quantities in any multiple you want. You can add the package to the product line anytime you create a delivery order. Make sure you adjust the quantities accordingly. You have to do certain calculations. 

Read this documentation:  When Should you Use Packages, Units of Measure or Special Packaging? — Odoo 15.0 documentation


I didn't want to add the packaged product in the sale order, its not good to show the customer this item (anyway I will charge the customer) but it's not good to add the item to sale order.

Did you have another opinion to do that ?

Mr. Khaled
I think in this case you have to use the "Advanced Pricelist" feature to add the Extra Fee (computation type: Formula) of packaging. You know how much each packaging cost and you can add that cost in the "extra fee".
For tracking the box, you have to track them through your inventory and consume them as your product is packed in the Packing Zone, given that you have a different packing location. It should do the work.

Best Answer

Simply speaking, no option to put purchase or sales price as per packaging. they provided barcode for packaging, then why don't they provide the necessary field like purchase and sales price?

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