Hi, I have problem with module website, when i install it, i have a homepage with url like . But my project don't need a homepage. So how can i make it redirect to (login page). I tried with controller but it doesn't work:
@http.route('/', type='http', auth="public")
def handler(self):
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web/login')
Am i wrong ? Please help me !
Thanks and Regards,
delete website module you don't need that one. web module is enough.
I think its good ideal, but i just want to hide homepage and i still need some template in module website to inherit for my module. Another way, I find a solution to this problem by write a controller in my module like this:
class Website(Home):
@http.route('/', type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def index(self, **kw):
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web')
It will help us redirect to url /web.
Thanks and Regards,