I am configuring outgoing mail server but following errors are coming. Though the same configuration works well on my local system.
I am getting following error:
1) Connection Test Failed!
Here is what we got instead: 534 5.7.14 <https: accounts(dot)google(dot)com="" continuesignin?sarp="1&scc=1&plt=AKgnsbvot" 5.7.14="" tkbcws_8qqty2fjojxjfeqvzmmbsz3kizj-c0rf47jkno8ycuwgu4jhocc3nk3ttbq9jqe="" 5.7.14="" cvfgh6vsr3umws53jlhk2eydar2zdx2cl3lrj4ffwswmmnbv-sp28qjt3vftahtj4rapr4="" 5.7.14="" dubkuhavckirjrrt-c6-nm_b_p8dk6yiorilcpelljmoux6o1dibo2zpy9fjbyn2rdllf7="" 5.7.14="" zmur2_a=""> Please log in via your web browser and then try again. 5.7.14 Learn more at support(dot)google(dot)com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=787 5.7.14 54 wd6sm168194702pab.3 - gsmtp
Thanks in advance
Describe your server a little bit. Couldn't you just use localhost to send mail?