Hello everybody!!!!!!
I am creating a new report to print in odoo9.
In fact, i want to print the payslip for a group of employees.
The problem is that the loop that i have maid is browsing the data of the employees and showing them in the same time.
which means that in the payslip of the first employee i found all the data of the other employees.
SO that, i want to correct the loop.
here is the function:
def get_payslip_lines(self, obj):
payslip_line = self.pool.get('hr.payslip.line')
res = []
ids = []
for id in range(len(obj)):
if obj[id].appears_on_payslip is True:
if ids:
res = payslip_line.browse(self.cr, self.uid, ids)
return res
And the xml:
<tr t-foreach="get_payslip_lines(o.line_ids)" t-as="p">