I used to have this working code with Odoo 9. But now with the 11 it doesnt work anymore because error to get the model.
Can you help me to translate the code below, how to call a model ??
I know i should use rpc but I didn't find any working code with my case.
The code :
odoo.define('app_ca.index', function (require) {
"use strict";
var Model = require('web.rpc')
var hist_model = new Model('app.history')
var hist_officecentral_model = new Model('app.history.officecentral')
var purchase_orderline_model = new Model('purchase.order.line')
$(document).on('click', function() {
// on click
var domElement = $(event.target).val();
console.log('d,os,fs,fs', domElement);
if (domElement) {
// change n values
hist_model.call('get_values', [domElement], {}).then(function(result){
// console.log(result);
if ($('[title="Article"]')[0] !== undefined) {
$('[title="Article"]')[0].innerText = result['product_id']
if ($('[title="M"]')[0] !== undefined) {
$('[title="M"]')[0].innerText = result['m0']
for (var i = 1; i<13; i++) {
if ($('[title="M-' + i + '"]')[0] !== undefined) {
$('[title="M-' + i + '"]')[0].innerText = result['n' + i]
// change n id
hist_model.call('get_month', [], {}).then(function(result) {
for (var i = 0; i<13; i++) {
if($('[data-id="m'+i+'"]')[0] !== undefined) {
$('[data-id="m'+i+'"]')[0].innerText = result[i]
I forgot to thanks you a lot!!!!