I got the error while executing the code given below:
odoo.define('web_one2many_selectable_10.form_widgets', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var _t = core._t;
var QWeb = core.qweb;
var field_registry = require('web.field_registry');
var FieldOne2Many = field_registry.get('one2many');
var One2ManySelectable = FieldOne2Many.extend({
// my custom template for unique char field
template: 'One2ManySelectable',
multi_selection: true,
//button click
events: {
"click .cf_button_confirm": "action_selected_lines",
init: function () {
console.log("Excuting Inited");
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// boolean used to prevent concurrent record creation
this.creatingRecord = false;
start: function()
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var self=this;
//passing ids to function
action_selected_lines: function()
var self=this;
var selected_ids = self.get_selected_ids_one2many();
if (selected_ids.length === 0)
this.do_warn(_t("You must choose at least one record."));
return false;
var model_obj=new Model(this.dataset.model);
//collecting the selected IDS from one2manay list
get_selected_ids_one2many: function ()
var ids =[];
this.$el.find('td.o_list_record_selector input:checked')
.closest('tr').each(function () {
return ids;
// register unique widget, because Odoo does not know anything about it
//you can use <field name="One2many_ids" widget="x2many_selectable"> for call this widget
core.form_widget_registry.add('one2many_selectable', One2ManySelectable);
Style error:
The style compilation failed, see the error below. Your recent actions may be the cause, please try reverting the changes you made.
Could not get content for /helpdesk/static/src/less/helpdesk.less defined in bundle 'web.assets_backend'.
and this error in console:
Missing widget: one2many_selectable for field result_line of type one2many
I want to make one2many selectable with checkbox using widget in odoo 11 Can Anyone help to resolve this problem ?
Have a look at the code of this module in v10 :https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/one2many_mass_select_delete/