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I'm am currently running Odoo V8 with Paypal Payment Acquirer installed.

Here's the issue that I am facing:

When an invoice is sent to the client and paid through PayPal, all PayPal transactions are completed successfully. However, the invoice's status remains as open and is not updated to Paid. I suppose that the invoice is to be automatically updated to Paid as the payment is completed.

Here are the things that I have done base on information I found through forums but still could not get the system to work as expected:

In PayPal ProfileUpdated "PayPal button language encoding" to "Western European Languages (including English)" with "UTF-8" encodingTurned On Auto ReturnSet Return URL to : <odoo domain>/shop/confirmation Turned Off Payment Data TransferTurned on PayPal Account OptionalIn Odoo V8Set Up PayPal and Payment Acquirers with Paypal Email ID, Paypal Merchant ID and have turned on IPN

I have tested the payments myself using SandBox PayPal and here is the log I have retrieved through the system when the payment is made:

2016-12-20 09:45:20,460 1365 INFO MasterDatabase openerp.addons.payment_paypal.controllers.main: Beginning Paypal IPN form_feedback with post data {'address_city': u'Singapore', 'address_country': u'Singapore', 'address_country_code': u'SG', 'address_name': u'Test', 'address_state': u'', 'address_status': u'unconfirmed', 'address_street': u'Test Street', 'address_zip': u'123456', 'business': u'', 'charset': u'UTF-8', 'custom': u'', 'first_name': u'BuyerTKW', 'handling_amount': u'0.00', 'ipn_track_id': u'9ad8abc89a687', 'item_name': u'Accentuate Pte Ltd: SAJ/2016/0008', 'item_number': u'SAJ/2016/0008', 'last_name': u'BuyerTKW', 'mc_currency': u'SGD', 'mc_fee': u'3.05', 'mc_gross': u'75.00', 'notify_version': u'3.8', 'payer_email': u'', 'payer_id': u'YB2MZ3RE4J7PJ', 'payer_status': u'verified', 'payment_date': u'01:45:17 Dec 20, 2016 PST', 'payment_fee': u'', 'payment_gross': u'', 'payment_status': u'Completed', 'payment_type': u'instant', 'protection_eligibility': u'Eligible', 'quantity': u'1', 'receiver_email': u'', 'receiver_id': u'SV7294AU7NRZC', 'residence_country': u'SG', 'shipping': u'0.00', 'tax': u'0.00', 'test_ipn': u'1', 'transaction_subject': u'', 'txn_id': u'5YM5168400206783X', 'txn_type': u'web_accept', 'verify_sign': u'ATOwmFugiV5w7zYaJ0M7DizFlZzMA8WdXAlC24uPn1z43bCCtJwtqHcS'}

2016-12-20 09:45:21,848 1365 WARNING MasterDatabase openerp.addons.payment_paypal.controllers.main: Paypal: answered INVALID on data verification

2016-12-20 09:45:21,853 1365 INFO MasterDatabase werkzeug: - - [20/Dec/2016 09:45:21] "POST /payment/paypal/ipn/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -

2016-12-20 09:45:26,598 1365 INFO MasterDatabase openerp.addons.payment_paypal.controllers.main: Beginning Paypal DPN form_feedback with post data {'address_city': u'Singapore', 'address_country': u'Singapore', 'address_country_code': u'SG', 'address_name': u'Test', 'address_state': u'', 'address_status': u'unconfirmed', 'address_street': u'Test Street', 'address_zip': u'123456', 'auth': u'AlpFzJN4X5cbyEWomGBTJpT8I2JQw.uqEzJi1313TfGBGWSNONvnJQ3QSfABMN32fdXqgec-LhVcNnbG8YzQ4BQ', 'business': u'', 'charset': u'UTF-8', 'custom': u'', 'first_name': u'BuyerTKW', 'form_charset': u'UTF-8', 'handling_amount': u'0.00', 'item_name': u'Accentuate Pte Ltd: SAJ/2016/0008', 'item_number': u'SAJ/2016/0008', 'last_name': u'BuyerTKW', 'mc_currency': u'SGD', 'mc_fee': u'3.05', 'mc_gross': u'75.00', 'notify_version': u'3.8', 'payer_email': u'', 'payer_id': u'YB2MZ3RE4J7PJ', 'payer_status': u'verified', 'payment_date': u'01:45:17 Dec 20, 2016 PST', 'payment_fee': u'', 'payment_gross': u'', 'payment_status': u'Completed', 'payment_type': u'instant', 'protection_eligibility': u'Eligible', 'quantity': u'1', 'receiver_email': u'', 'receiver_id': u'SV7294AU7NRZC', 'residence_country': u'SG', 'shipping': u'0.00', 'tax': u'0.00', 'test_ipn': u'1', 'transaction_subject': u'', 'txn_id': u'5YM5168400206783X', 'txn_type': u'web_accept', 'verify_sign': u'AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31Ak2iLa-RJaJgWiqLsozKNdpe.l-2'}

2016-12-20 09:45:27,549 1365 WARNING MasterDatabase openerp.addons.payment_paypal.controllers.main: Paypal: answered INVALID on data verification

2016-12-20 09:45:27,553 1365 INFO MasterDatabase werkzeug: - - [20/Dec/2016 09:45:27] "POST /payment/paypal/dpn/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -

2016-12-20 09:45:27,902 1365 INFO MasterDatabase werkzeug: - - [20/Dec/2016 09:45:27] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

2016-12-20 09:45:28,365 1365 INFO MasterDatabase werkzeug: - - [20/Dec/2016 09:45:28] "POST /website/translations HTTP/1.1" 200 -

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