Can you please help me with issue with customer portal.
My customers can not resolve url they receive in email message to view/accept document online.
They get 404 Not found error but when they go to Odoo instance web page they can resolve and see database selector.
Also if I add new page to website that page is also available through internet.
Sorry for bad explanation. If try to include links in post I get forbiden and can not post
Thanks for your help.
For example they receive link like this :
And this is not resolved but https://sub.domain.com it is.
I'm running Odoo v16 CE with nginx and behind firewall. I don't see any DNS issue when they can resolve http://sub.domain.com
When I go to https://sub.domain.com from LAN I'm presented with webpage, and when I go from outside to https://sub.domain.com I'm seeing database selector.
The issue is resolved, I think. I had exactly the same website configuration in other database (I use one for testing one for production).
Can that be the problem?