Hey! In stock.warehouse.orderpoint we have a field for minimum quantity. I want that field in my product.template model to. So that whatever minimum quantity is defined in the "Reorder rule" that value must be in the separate field in my form/tree view of product.template.
I am trying to use related field but it makes me select the record to fetch the value and i dont want that. Value must come by itself without any selection at all. Below are my related fields
re_order = fields.Many2one('stock.warehouse.orderpoint',string = 'Reorder', store=True)
min_qty = fields.Float(related='re_order.product_min_qty',string = 'Minimum Quantity', store=True)
Some help would be nice. Thanks in advance
Do you want to modify it from product.template or just for viewing?
I just want to view that field in product template tree view for each product. Kindly help i'll be very thankful