Hey i have a custom module which i have embed into maintenance. There i create roles lets say i have "mason" in occupation and in line view i add five lines relationg to masons works. Now that is a Char field. What i want is that in my maintenance request when i select mason from a field i want another field which must show all the values in line so that i be able to select one of them based on the nature of work. I dont want to use selection fields here,
This is how i am getting data from that model
occupation = fields.Many2one('my.model', string ='Trade')
But how to make a field which must fetch all the lines related to the occupation selected.
Thanks in advance
By reading it, not understand what exactly you need, does a compute function or writing values to a character field in onchange will solve your issue ?
Lets suppose that you have 5 lines in sale order line and from these lines you want to fetch all 5 five products from these lines in one field? You getting it now?