I am working on Mollie Payment Gateway Integration with Odoo 8. I have one query regarding this.
Like other payment gateways Mollie don't return any response data after completion of payment(post data back to website). But it can redirect the user to return_url(may get GET data using query-string). In Controller we accept only post request but in this case there is no post data so how we are going to handle the response?
POST data is compulsory/standard in case of Odoo or I can just convert the function to get GET request as well to meet my purpose?.
Code for Reference from Buckaroo Payment Gateway(payment_buckaroo addon)
], type='http', auth='none')
def buckaroo_return(self, **post):
""" Buckaroo."""
_logger.info('Buckaroo: entering form_feedback with post data %s', pprint.pformat(post)) # debug
request.registry['payment.transaction'].form_feedback(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, post, 'buckaroo', context=request.context)
I have done Mollie Integration Successfully. Please let me know if anyone is in need or any help regarding this.
I'm interested in the Mollie module, can you provide me more information? Thanks!
you can contact me at dirtyhandsphp@gmail.com