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I have a question about Odoo Licensing in v8, with regards to what portions I am legally allowed to customize and which ones I must retain for commercial deployments. I would be very grateful if someone with proper understanding of the license could clarify this:

1) Am I allowed to change the title bar in the browser tab, which says 'Odoo'?

2)  Am I allowed to change the default Odoo logo on the login page?

3) Am I allowed to change the footer at the bottom, which says 'Powered by Odoo'?. Currently, it redirects to Odoo website. Is it all right to disable the hyperlink?

4) Am I allowed to change the 'About' window, which contains Odoo social media links and address, to the other links?

Best Answer

Private user can debrand Odoo, have a look here to see how to remove brand or change logos.

Instruction of how tho change Favicon here

Please note: Odoo is distributed with AGPLv3 and for commercial use there are limitations. Visit here for more details. 



Thank you Federico, but what I meant to ask is am I allowed to do these changes for commercial deployments... I will edit my question accordingly. I have read the AGPLv3 license, but I could not understand if these changes are legal or not.

I'm not sure, better wait some "reseller" user. ;)

Hmm I don't think it should be a problem really.. Why not contact and just ask them? They're the only one that can tell this for sure I guess.


Yes, that is probably the best thing to do. Thanks Yenthe.

Odoo license is hell, Owner initially twitted he keep as GPL, but he had removed it, now as openerp become popular and to avoid dirty comment on openerp, new name odoo and now license is also changed. In term to reseller odoo not useful, interm to give to customer you just branding odoo only. Also Odoo become hell on VPS & slow down performance of usage, just for local desk it good. But do not care much, remove logo and footer as client request to remove those. take advice of freelancers....

Also odoo no more such responding to users in github or launchpad for issue or bugs, their product is ready and at better buggy level now no need world who enhance odoo from many bugs.

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