Hi Tony, tying your comments together: You did two transactions, one each for two clients. The problem is that your daily statement from your provider - Stripe, say - is for a single daily total. Further, your accountant has suggest not keeping a separate credit card journal. Do I have that correct so far? If so, then I do have a solution - but since this is Enterprise Accounting, it isn't as simple as one might wish.
I suspect you have more problems that just the one you noticed yesterday because in Odoo Accounting I have found that the only way to do business is to "Always tell ALL of the truth"; if you do two transactions, you need to enter two transactions. If you do a transfer, you need to do TWO entries - one for transferring out and the other for transferring in. In fact our rule is that every xfer must have separate e-documents saved for both sides of the xfer - one for the SEND xfer and another for the unrelated RECEIVE xfer.
I do have a separate credit card journal for each credit card and I also have a separate payment provider journal (Stripe) for electronic payments. When an electronic payment is made on a Customer Invoice, it is automatically entered into the Stripe journal. When a Customer Invoice Credit is issued, that also is entered in the Stripe journal. The Invoices are ALREADY RECONCILED automatically against those Stripe Journal entries. (Note, the credit is manually issued through the Stripe Dashboard - and then recorded in the Invoice as completed)
I receive a notice whenever Stripe puts through a deposit to my bank. I take this email notice and save it as a transfer document pair saved with a descriptive name:
2022-01-27 - xfer - stripe - TO - bank03 - X956 - 180.62 (.pdf)
2022-01-28 - xfer - bank03 - FROM - stripe - X956 - 180.62 (.pdf)
Then I actually make the transfer entries (internal transfers) in the journals on bookkeeping day and attach these supporting documents. Finally, because accounting is meticulous, I then archive the original files for backup.
Because Stripe does not offer a monthly statement, I actually go in and pull a .csv report monthly and create my own paper statement which I then use to generate a journal statement for Stripe - and then validate all transactions against that at month-end.
At no time was there any manual reconcile required for the actual invoice or credit invoice. They are simply invoices that fed amounts into the Stripe journal and auto-reconciled. It is the two xfer entries (one SEND and one RECEIVE) that matter - and that must balance.
A Odoo certified accountant who was doing my bookkeeping opted to not have a separate credit card journal..