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When adding an invisible rule based on domain in backend Form View (specifically in Settings in my case), the "not ilike" operator is throwing an error, stating it is unsupported.

<div attrs="{'invisible': [('char_field', 'not ilike', 'tested text')]}">
This should not appear if char_field doesn't contain "tested text".
Instead, error is thrown when form is being loaded.

causes a javascript error:

Error: While parsing modifiers for div: for modifier "invisible": Domain char_field,not ilike,tested text uses an unsupported operator

However, this works:

<div attrs="{'invisible': [('char_field', 'ilike', 'tested text')]}">
This will not appear if char_field contains "tested text".

Any idea how to write the domain to reach the intended result (show a block only if specific text is present in the Char field)? Is an extra computed field the only way?


It seems to be similar or same as this 11.0 - 13.0 issue:

Have you tried to use other operators to check if it is only 'not ilike' that is not working?


@apiuser I don't think this will shed new light on the problem, but here goes - from operators that seem meaningful from text, not working:

not ilike
not like




As I don't have enough karma, I can only comment here. This comment is for the answer you suggested.

I am certain I did not miss any argument - other operators work. This domain works in Python in other parts of my code.
I cannot find any difference between your formatting and mine, other than that you added a comma after the first tuple in the list. That shouldn't make any functional difference.

I'm almost sure this is a shortcoming of Odoo's javascript code for evaluating domain expressions - they seem to have skipped development of "not like" and "not ilike".

Could it be that you missed an argument? I'm using python and the syntax I use is like that:

[('char_field', 'ilike', 'tested text'), ]


I think you cannot help if you won't try with view - this is an issue of the javascript part of Odoo that parses views. Try adding a Char field to any form view and then some div or field or whatever and add an attr attribute to it, using the domain as I outlined in the original post. You'll see the module upgrades, but when you open the view, a javascript error will pop up if you use "not like" or "not ilike" operator.


To illustrate the issue, I have manually edited the "project.task.form" view in the newest runbot, should stay up for couple of hours. If you open any task in Field Service, you'll see the error.

If already garbage collected, steps to reproduce:
1. log in as admin
2. turn debug mode on
3. Go to Field Service, open any task to see it loads
4. go to Settings / Technical / User Interface / Views
5. search "project.task.form
6. edit, in architecture, add to the header tag (line 11) attribute attrs="{'invisible': [('name', 'not ilike', 'tested text')]}"
7. Go to Field Service, open any task - you'll see the problem.

Best Answer

That is strange, I can actualy search using those operators('not like' and 'not ilike'), but I have not tested it with views... Maybe as you are right and this is the same issue on the link you posted.

Anyways, maybe you can search for the text beforehand and then if the text was valid just make it visible? 

So you would be filtering using the search and then print it on the view.

Would this work?
