I have tree view in some model and i want to invisible full row depends on another model
This is the field
pme_pmcrecid = fields.Many2one(string="Category", comodel_name="pmcategories" ,required=True )
inside the pmcategories i have disable button i want to hide full row when the button inside is TRUE
This is the model
class CategoryPreventive(models.Model):
_name = "pmcategories"
_description = "Preventive Category"
_rec_name ="cate_des"
cate_des = fields.Char(string="Category Description ", required=True)
pmc_disable = fields.Boolean(string='Disable', default=False)
pmc_code = fields.Char('Code',readonly=True , required=True , copy=False , default='New')
pmc_sortorder = fields.Integer('Sort Order' , default='1')
Xml for the main model
" rel="ugc">ir.ui.view">