When i try to restore database backup to another server (digital ocean to test server on aws), showing an error like this, i tried to change odoo commit same as the live server in the test server
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/odoo14/odoo14-server/odoo/api.py", line 792, in get
field_cache = field_cache[record.env.cache_key(field)]
KeyError: (None,)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/odoo14/odoo14-server/odoo/fields.py", line 972, in __get__
value = env\.cache\.get\(record,\ self\)
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 796,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ raise\ CacheMiss\(record,\ field\)
odoo\.exceptions\.CacheMiss:\ 'res\.users\(20,\)\.image_128'
During\ handling\ of\ the\ above\ exception,\ another\ exception\ occurred:
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\):
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 792,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ field_cache\ =\ field_cache\[record\.env\.cache_key\(field\)\]
KeyError:\ \(None,\)
During\ handling\ of\ the\ above\ exception,\ another\ exception\ occurred:
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\):
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/fields\.py",\ line\ 972,\ in\ __get__
\ \ \ \ value\ =\ env\.cache\.get\(record,\ self\)
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 796,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ raise\ CacheMiss\(record,\ field\)
odoo\.exceptions\.CacheMiss:\ 'res\.partner\(12809,\)\.image_128'
During\ handling\ of\ the\ above\ exception,\ another\ exception\ occurred:
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\):
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 792,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ field_cache\ =\ field_cache\[record\.env\.cache_key\(field\)\]
KeyError:\ \(None,\ None\)
During\ handling\ of\ the\ above\ exception,\ another\ exception\ occurred:
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\):
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/fields\.py",\ line\ 972,\ in\ __get__
\ \ \ \ value\ =\ env\.cache\.get\(record,\ self\)
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 796,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ raise\ CacheMiss\(record,\ field\)
odoo\.exceptions\.CacheMiss:\ 'ir\.attachment\(321,\)\.datas'
During\ handling\ of\ the\ above\ exception,\ another\ exception\ occurred:
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\):
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 792,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ field_cache\ =\ field_cache\[record\.env\.cache_key\(field\)\]
KeyError:\ \(None,\)
During\ handling\ of\ the\ above\ exception,\ another\ exception\ occurred:
Traceback\ \(most\ recent\ call\ last\):
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/fields\.py",\ line\ 972,\ in\ __get__
\ \ \ \ value\ =\ env\.cache\.get\(record,\ self\)
\ \ File\ "/odoo14/odoo14\-server/odoo/api\.py",\ line\ 796,\ in\ get
\ \ \ \ raise\ CacheMiss\(record,\ field\)
odoo.exceptions.CacheMiss: 'ir.attachment(321,).raw'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/odoo14/odoo14-server/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_attachment.py", line 105, in _file_read
with open(full_path, 'rb') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/odoo14/.local/share/Odoo/filestore/APL_2.0/c5/c54d3d5e2b1320083bf5378b7c195b0985fa04c1'
are you trying with the database dump[pg_dump] file without filestore?
trying to restore a backup to test server, which took from frond-end (web/database/manager)
In database manager which option you are selecting for "Backup Format"?
zip including filestore
Please mention database size and hold old is the DB?
231 MB only
Please check postgres version in new and older server using these commands:- Server version: pg_config --version and Client version: psql --version
Both servers have the same version
# pg_config --version
PostgreSQL 12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)
# psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)