I'm working on online quotation report customization, to display the products images on the quotation for the customer.
Everything is working just fine except of when the customer click on the quotation link sent by email, it directs him to the quotation but some of products images aren't loaded and it gives 404 forbidden error in the console. However if the customer logged in it will be displayed just fine.
Here's a sample of my code:
<template id="so_custom_quotation_content" inherit_id="website_quote.so_quotation_content" name="Custom Quotation">
<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_structure']" position="after">
<section id="productdetails">
<t t-foreach="quotation.order_lines_layouted()" t-as="page">
<table class="table table-condensed wq-table">
<t t-foreach="page" t-as="layout_category">
<t t-if="layout_category_size > 1 or page_size > 1" groups="sale.group_sale_layout">
<tr class="active">
<td colspan="7" style="font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid black;">&bull;
<t t-esc="layout_category['name']"/>
<t t-foreach="layout_category['lines']" t-as="line">
<tr t-attf-class="product-description row-{{line_parity}}">
<td style="padding:20px;" t-foreach="line.product_id" t-as="pro">
<span t-field="pro.image_medium" t-field-options='{"widget": "image","class": "oe_avatar"}' style="padding:20px;"/>
<td class="colored">
<p t-field="line.name"/>
<t t-if="page_index < page_size - 1" groups="sale.group_sale_layout">
<p style="page-break-before:always;"></p>
Screenshot of the error for unregistered people
Can anyone help me to fix that error. Much appreciation and thanks in advance
PS. I'm using Nginx reverse proxy