I am using Version 9.0c-20160518 (Community Edition).
There is some issue - I have multiple databases on one instance. I had Blogs (website_blog) on multiple ones and on one specific does not work when I clink on Content-> New Blog post - just un-hoover content menu but nothing else happens.
I was looking for some error in odoo logs (/var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log) in debian - only one 404 appear in the logs. Even changed log level for:
log_handler = :DEBUG
log_level = test
This in logs different:
10267 INFO dbname werkzeug: - - [28/Nov/2016 15:38:21] "GET /none HTTP/1.0" 404 -
There is some js error in console:
website.assets_editor.js:235 Uncaught TypeError: self[$content_item.data(...)] is not a function at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (http://dbname/web/content/745-60ad55f/website.assets_editor.js:235:609) at HTMLUListElement.dispatch (http://dbname/web/content/737-db5a6fe/web.assets_common.js:740:451) at HTMLUListElement.elemData.handle (http://dbname/web/content/737-db5a6fe/web.assets_common.js:713:173)(anonymous function) @ website.assets_editor.js:235dispatch @ web.assets_common.js:740elemData.handle @ web.assets_common.js:713
I am not so good in js errors, so I would really appreciate help.
Thanks in advance.