In the base Parter model we have the following field:
lang = fields.Selection(_lang_get, string='Language', default=lambda self: self.env.lang, help="All the emails and documents sent to this contact will be translated in this language.")
I want to change the default value of this field to 'da_DK' in my inherited model and the code is
lang = fields.Selection(string='Lang', default='da_DK')But it's not working. Can anyone please suggest me the workaround? The default value should get selected when the form view is loaded for the customer.
Thank you for your help in advance! :)
Why not implement this as an IR.DEFAULT record? This is the way we do it when you install a second language (by making English the default). IR.DEFAULT records are migrated for you at each release, so you have no code to write or maintain.
Thanks, Ray. Agree with you, we can handle it that way as well. But can you please help to figure out the problem with the above code lines?