I have a form view(model1) with a list for the One2many field that is related to model2. On the related model (model2) that is shown as list I have a field that has an onchange method. That method creates a record in model3.
Models: model1: task, model2: timesheet, model3: anwsers
model1 One2many model2
model2 Many2one model3
With this onchange on a field in model2 I can create a record in model3. Now I would like to return an window action of the model3 created record to show a popup in the form view of model1.
The model2 method:
answer_id = fields.Many2one('tabla.customer.answers')
# FIXME Test za vnos odgovorov za stranko
def change_timesheet_type(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.tabla_timesheet_type_id:
rec.answer_id.sudo().create({'timesheet_name': rec.name})
except Exception as e:
_logger.error(u'Error on creating answer: {}'.format(e))
action = self.env.ref('tabla_project_ticket.action_show_answer_form').read()[0]
action['res_id'] = rec.answer_id.id
return action
except Exception as e:
_logger.error(u'Error on getting answer action: {}!'.format(e))
I really don't know how to describe well what I want. Hope that this is possible.