Our company has a Biometric FingerPrint Machine and at the end of day, we have an excel sheet which contains all the attendance records of the Employees. We import this excel sheet into openERP.
But is there anyway that whenever a Employee uses their fingerprint-reader, then the record is added in openERP or database. Then we will not have to import excel sheets one by one daily.
Please let me know if any one knows the solution for it.
If there is a way to send data from your fingerprint machine by XML-RPC for example I assume you could do this.. But I don't think this is provided?
This import of Attendance Data_1.csv file details in hr_attendace sould be happen based on loation of that file(that means file is stored in particular location in server)
Hmm I'm pretty sure you could write a bash script for this or using an Odoo scheduler.. I'd suggest you to open a new question for this where you ask how to run a scheduler to import external files