Hi Zan,
It looks like there is no translation made in German for the string "Please use the following communication for your payment" yet, as you can see in the official code at https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/2cdc1cc9ced4364cac403fd0891836dba52bdd08/addons/account/i18n/de.po#L7995-L7996
Don't worry though, you can always fix and manage translations. You have three options:
1. Translate the term on Transifex, the official translation platform that Odoo uses. When you translate it here it will be available for everybody using German after it is synced into Odoo. For more information see https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Translations
2. Translate the term by searching it in your translated terms. Activate developer mode (by adding ?debug in the URL) and go to Settings > Translations > Translated terms. Make a filter here for terms where the status is not set. This means that Odoo will show all non-translated strings. Then search for your term "Please use the following communication for your payment" and change the column "Translation Value" to the German translation for this string:
3. Translate the term by searching it in the related QWeb view, which is your report. Activate developer mode (by adding ?debug in the URL) and go to Settings > Technical > Reportings > Reports and search for "Invoice". Open the record "Invoices without Payment" here and in the form view click on the button "QWeb Views" at the top. You'll now get a treeview with all QWeb views related to this report. Find the record named "report_invoice_document" and open it. Click on "Edit Translations" here:
The translation view will now open. Search for your string "Please use the following communication for your payment" here and translate it:
When you've done the changes just refresh the view and print the invoice again, it'll show up in german now.
P.S: Make sure the invoice is not attached as an attachment yet. Odoo automatically reuses the attachment of the invoice if there is one. If the invoice is attached as an attachment then delete it and print the report again. Odoo will then generate a new copy.