I have a problem with the synchronization of calendar with Google. I have an Ubuntu server on a local LAN that is running Odoo. I access Odoo in LAN through url
And so far so good. Then I created a DynDNS domain and activated DNSS on my router to access it from the outside. I access it as
It works perfectly. So I followed the instructions to synchronize the calendar with Google. I created the two values required, Google Client ID and Client Secret Google, and I made sure they were well written without spaces or other garbage, and I enabled on the corresponding Google project the Google+ and Calendar APIs. I verified I did all correctly several times.
However, when I try to sync calendars, I get the following error:
400. That's an error.
Error: invalid_request
Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Non-public domains not allowed:
However if I'm going to see the request, I get:
scope = https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar
response_type code =
redirect_uri = http://w3.mydomain.lan/google_account/authentication
access_type = offline
approval_prompt = force
state = {"s": "calendar", "d", "MioDominioERP", "f", "mydomain.office-on-the.net:8069/web#vi...nu_id=360&action=413"}
client_id = xxx...xxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
Why Google is able to see the internal domain name???
PS Obviously I specified redirect_uri in the Google project as
Thank you in advance.