I was trying to create a new report for a module, but when I try to update the module odoo returns the next error:
raise ValueError('External ID not found in the system: %s' % xmlid) odoo.tools.convert.ParseError: "External ID not found in the system: modulo_nota_remision.paperformat_nota_remision" while parsing /home/***/odoo/addons/name_of_module/views/report_nota_remision.xml:17, near <record id="syo_inventario_nota_remision" model="ir.actions.report"> <field name="name">Nota Remision</field> <field name="model">syo_inventario.logistica</field> <field name="report_type">qweb-pdf</field> <field name="report_name">name_of_module.report_nota_remision</field> <field name="menu">True</field> <field name="paperformat_id" ref="name_of_module.paperformat_nota_remision"/> </record>
I've checked:
- The name of the paperformat "paperformat_nota_remision" is the same to which references in the xml, "name_of_module.paperformat_nota_remision"
- The xml of the paperformat is included in the manifest:
'data': [
-The report_name in the xml is references correctly to the python model, "name_of_module.report_nota_remision" and in the python _name is "report.name_of_module.report_nota_remision"
@Ibrahim Boudmir Thank you very much, that was the specific problem I was facing, 'views/report_nota_remision.xml' needed of 'view/paperformat_nota_remision.xml' so when it was trying to use it that view wasn't loaded yet!
Can you make your comment an answer to mark your comment as my question's solution?