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I need help installing a 3rd party app for a client. This Odoo account is owned by the client I am working for, I am simply the web designer. They asked me to install a 3rd party app to enable facebook pixel tracking on the odoo website.

Specifically, we purchased the Website Facebook Pixel by Garazd Creation. (

I tried reaching out to the creator of the plugin and received no response. The video that he has available to walk through the install is not accurate to my experience. In the video he shows simply being able to purchase, click install, then go to the website settings and paste the facebook pixel. 

On my end, after purchasing, all it shows is a "download" button, not an "install" button. This is allowing me to download a zip file of the plugin, but I have no idea what to do with that...

Anyone know how to install 3rd party apps manually?

Best Answer


For installing third party modules in odoo, first of all what you have to do is that, using the download button, download the purchased module, then you will be able to get a zip file. Just extract the zip file, then you will get a folder like website_facebook_pixel, now we have to move it to the client's odoo instance.

If the clients odoo is hosted in some server, you have to move it to the server and place the module in his addons path. To move the code to server, lot of tools are available, if you are using ubuntu, you can use ssh, putty etc.

Once you are able to move to server, next task is to find the custom addons path, for this, what you can do is that, go to the folder etc, by typing
cd  /etc

Then inside this folder, most probably there will be a file name odoo.conf or odoo-server.conf , this is the doo configuration file, using nano editor you can open it.

sudo nano odoo.conf

Once you open it, inside the content, you will be able to see the addons path, get the custom addons path from it, it will be something like  /opt/custom or /opt/odoo/custom .

So now you get the custom addons path, place the module inside it and now you have to restart the odoo service. Once the service is restarted, go to the odoo user interface, activate the developer mode, click update app list and search the module and install it.


Best Answer

I put together a video for this.  Hope it helps!
