I want to add a hyperlink to the product positions in the web sale form. Well, it works, but only when the product is published to the web.
I try:
<a t-if="line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.website_published" t-att-href="'/shop/product/%s' % line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.id" target="_blank"> <span t-field="line.name"/> </a>
<span t-if="line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.website_published != True" t-field="line.name"/>
But this will only work, when the product is published.
if the product is not published, I get "Error 500".
It seems I can´t display: product_tmpl_id.website_published when the product is not published.
Has someone an idea?
Thank you!
Yes, this would be possible, but then I have to think always to publish the products.
Well, that's one of the main jobs of a responsible for a webshop ;-)