good day everyone,
I a custom module we want to add field inheriting a class, however we don't find the proper way to xpath to it. we tried both ways and got error "xpath cannot be located in parent view"
<template id="products_item_inters" inherit_id="website_sale.products_item">
<!--<xpath expr="//div[hasclass('p-2 o_wsale_product_information_text')]" position="inside"> -->
<xpath expr="//div[@id='p-2 o_wsale_product_information_text']" position="inside">
<h6 class="o_wsale_products_item_title mb-1">
<a class="text-primary text-decoration-none" itemprop="default_code" t-att-href="product_href" t-att-content="product.default_code" t-field="product.default_code" />