I developed a website on Odoo and I find a bug on my HTML code. On all the pages that we made, we can find de hreflang code, but on the product pages doesn't work. Only work if I don't change the product name.
The XML code according to the hreflang tag are the following one:
Someone knows how to solve it? The website is called https://jcosta.com if someone wants to check it.
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please post your code in the comment section here so you get help asap.
<t t-if="request and request.is\_frontend\_multilang and website"> <t t-set="alternate\_languages" t-value="website.\_get\_alternate\_languages(canonical\_params=canonical\_params)"/> <t t-foreach="alternate\_languages" t-as="lg"> <link rel="alternate" t-att-hreflang="lg\['hreflang'\]" t-att-href="lg\['href'\]"/> </t> </t>