I want to change product image on hover. I have the field "gifpath" in products. This is the code from the website_sale module for image
<a t-att-href="product_href" class="d-block h-100" itemprop="url">
<span t-field="product.image_1920"
t-options="{'widget': 'image', 'preview_image': 'image_1024' if product_image_big else 'image_256'}"
class="d-flex h-100 justify-content-center align-items-center"/>
And I want to change that on hover to
t-options="{'widget': 'image', 'preview_image': 'gifpath'}"
The main problem here is that field is binary. And the image is stored in the database, so using javascript will be very hard because I don't have the image path for ```<img src```
And I haven't found any event listener in XML for odoo.