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How to work with and use multiple language in openerp7.

Is the a special module for this or what do you need to activate to be able to have two different languages?

Some were you need to have fields to fill in for the second language, and how to chose the second one when you need to do a Quote, Order confirmation and invoice etc.?


Best Answer

If the customer language is english and the users one is swedish.

At first you need Technical Features at User --> Access Rights

Go to Settings --> Translations --> Load a Translations, now select your "swedish" language to load.

Then you can select the language for users and partners and have the possibility to add translations eg "product Name" by click at the icon in the top right corner.

Now you will send a sales order from swedish interface by email to the englisch customer. The system do that automatically if you edit the email template before.

Go to settings --> technical --> email --> templates and edit/translate the sales order by email template. At template/advanced fill in the language field: ${object.partner_id.lang}


OK, Thanks But I want two have to languages at the same time. I want both to have English and Swedish and perhaps more.. I want this both on the products description and for the quotes, invoices etc. this should be used when I send info to different customers.. I don't want to change language or login with other language. How to make this possible?

If you mean that you want to have both languages available in the same time on the OpenERP GUI, then you should load a translation file that has both languages as a translation with a space of a slash between the two words like "Purchase\Inköp". which might look strange as the GUI is not accustomed to display longer words at some fields.


Great Thanks\Tack!!! How to do if you can satisfy with one languages in the OpenERP GUI but i you have a international customer that does a buy how can you easily make then a invoice or quote etc. that is in English and not Swedish that I have as std.?

That is copy to the Answer: If the customer language is english and the users one is swedish. You send a sales order from swedish interface and the system send automatically a englisch sale order to the customer. Go to settings --> technical --> email --> templates and edit/translate the sales order by email template. Goto template/advanced and fill in the language field: ${object.partner_id.lang}



Dear Mats, please mark the question as answered.


Dear Andreas, Yes will do.. But I have one more question.. Do you really need to go and change the language under settings from Swe to Eng to be able to then later change the description from swe to eng.? Am I missing something or is this the only way?

At Settings --> User you can choose the User interface language. The partner language can be another one. Please play Arround, click the icons to translate, maybee try it at

Thank you so much... "At template/advanced fill in the language field: ${object.partner_id.lang}". This part saved my time..... Still I have another clarification, Can I send same email in different languages. Like, supplier will receive his own language (eg: Spanish) and admin will receive his own language (eg: English) when I click "Send PO by Email" ?

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