Hello i'm working on a table like this
I'm using a module called "Website Variant Cart by webkul" but i've customized it to make it look like the img before
as you can see i have color variants in 1 colum but i need to set each of the color buttons to change the variant img in the product img as odoo works by default..
This is the code that i am using
<td id="colors-variant">
<t t-if="variant_id.attribute_value_ids" t-foreach="variant_id.attribute_value_ids" t-as="p_attribute_value">
<label t-attf-style="background-color:#{p_attribute_value.html_color}" t-attf-class="css_attribute_color #{'active' if first_possible_combination == p_attribute_value else ''}">
<input type="radio" name="attrib"/>
This works to render the color in my column but i need to click on it and change the variant img as odoo do it with the original function
Thank you @Ravi Gadhia
I tried what you said, but i get this error *'product.product' object has no attribute 'attribute_id' *
i'm trying diferent things but i don't figure it out how to set it correctly