Hello there
I'm working with multi-website and multi-company so i'm creating products for each of the websites, but got a problem in my product template, when i create or edit a product in the e-commerce tab the website selection is disable, i don't know the reason, but the last thing i did was change the domain of the data base in sh. I tried to check the configuration of that field "website_id", and now the checkbox "read only" is the onlyone marked, and i can't change it!! i would need python code.... if i reinstall e-commerce module in my test database it fix it, and the configurations unmarks readonly... but i can't do that i would lose a lot of work and a lot of modules...
This is whats happening on product, website field is disable
This is how is currently configured the "website_id" field ----- "solo lectura = readonly" is marked.
This is how it should be configured the website_id field if i reinstall the ecommerce module ----fields "almacenado = stored, copiado = copied" are marked, and readonly is not.