I'm trying to run the sentinel.py (client for barcode scanners) on a Windows Mobile 6.1 handheld barcode scanner (MC3190) to connect with the server to do barcode operations but I don't know how I'm supposed to run it. I've been trying it with Python CE that is a port of python to windows mobile that ables me to run scripts but I get tons of errors of missing modules or syntax error.
I downloaded the full python lib from github and imported it in the python folder of the device and I've been able to get rid of the modules errors but I still get traceback errors and syntax errors. I'm concerned that what I've downloaded isn't by far compatible with the Python CE port.
How should I proced? Is there any easy workaround to use the MC3190 barcode readers with Odoo? I was atually thinking on making my own program with the web api but then I found the sentinel client.