In our company we want to manage membership and subscription contracts with Odoo. The customer makes a contract with us that has a certain contract start date, but typically no explicit contract end date (until he terminates the contract). During the whole contract period the customer pays a monthly fee and in turn he is eligible to some service provided by us.
In order reduce administrative and accounting work the customer shall receive only exactly one invoice stating the monthly fee at the begin of the contract. This invoice states that the invoice amount is due/payable every month until the contract ends. This works since the monthly fee does not change over time (otherwise a new contract is made). Also this is perfectly legal here in Germany to have such invoices, I believe it is called "Dauerrechnung" (I don't know the English word).
How can I implement that pattern in Odoo?
The naive solution to simply create one invoice at the beginning of the contract and to register the monthly payments against it does not work for two reasons. First I can even not register the payment for the second month, since Odoo considers this invoice as fully paid. And second I can not change/edit the invoice amount, neither techically nor legally.
I have already found the tool "Generate recurring invoices automatically" from the module "Contracts Management". But as stated above we do not want generate a new invoice every month, neither manually nor automatically, due to the massive overhead in terms of administrative and accounting work (outside Odoo).
What other options do I have?
Any pointers are greatly appreciated.