Customer invoices
You make some customer invoices during the month of October
Vendor bills
You make some vendor bills during the month of October
Balance sheet
Then, we will have a look at the balance sheet
Therefore we should pay to the Administration: 203.7€ - 63€ = 140.7€
Let’s have a look at the Tax Report (“Déclaration périodique à la TVA”)
Create the XML file
You can export the file in XML since you can send it at the Administration (standard format)
What does it look like a VAT Statement in XML?
You can open it with your code editor as Sublime → STANDARDIZED file that Administration can read directly in its system.
When you have sent your VAT STATEMENT the best practice is to use the lock-date
Create the Journal Entry
Now you need to make the manual accounting entry.
Accounting → Accounting → Journal Entry
In the example, I need to pay to the Authorities 140.63€. So you book a current liabilities.
Then, when you will pay the VAT, the accounting entry created by the bank statement will be: