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3 Replies

Situation : - I want to restrict the access of Lead & Opportunities menu based on the potential users of the system. Consider a system with 10 users , out of which only 6 users should be able to view only Leads menu and remaining 4 users should be able to view only Opportunities menu.

Current system allow a user to access both Leads/Opportunity for Groups / Sales / User: Own Leads Only
and its Rule is as follows ['|',('user_id','=',,('user_id','=',False)], but it doesn't serve my need of hiding menu's.

Can anyone suggest a way to re-define the rule for restricting the access rights of a way to hide/disable menu's based on the user.?? Any help is appreciated ..... Thanks in advance ....

Best Answer

i like to hide a menu for one group specifity, but when i apply delete this remove all menu for all users, but i want to hide for one groups. explain: i inherit a groups to user from warehouse, but this specifity users i dont want to show menu stock out.

for example i create a new groups users. i define in MY_module_folder/security/my_security.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <data noupdate="0">
    <record id="group_stock_manager_moseltex" model="res.groups">
        <field name="name">Almacen_mosel Encargado</field>
       <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('stock.group_stock_manager'))]"/>

but i want to hide a menu stock out (this code put inside the my_security.xml).

 <record model="" id="menu_action_picking_tree">
 <field name="groups_id"  eval="[ref('group_stock_manager_moseltex')]" />

but this is dont work.

Best Answer

Yes, You can create groups for that and assign users on that group. Now on your menu assign groups so only users of that group can see that menu.

Thank You!

Hope this helps you. :)

Best Answer

create 2 new groups. In one group go to menu section and add menu sales/lead. Repeat the same for another group for opportunities( i.e add sales/opportunities).

While creating users just click on the checkbox for particular group name in users->access rights. So that user will have access to that particular group and hence he can view that menu while others cannot.
