We need to edit the view.
For the quotation & the invoice -> Go to Settings> Technical> Actions> Reports:
1. For the quotation:
- Search for Quotation / Order report and click the Qweb views action button
- Go to the report_saleorder_document view and search for the code, edit the line
td name="td_name"
span t-esc="line.name[line.name.find('] ')+2:]"/
2. For the invoice:
- Search for any of the invoice reports, for example, "Invoices without Payment" and click the Qweb views action button
- Go to the report_invoice_document view and search for the code, edit the line
td name="td_name"
span t-esc="line.name[line.name.find('] ')+2:]"/
3. For the product label:
- Go to Settings> Technical> User Interface> Views- Search for view named "report_simple_label" and edit the line 7, updating the code
strong t-field="product.display_name"/
strong t-field="product.name"/