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Hi guys,

I've made a new model 'sel.mdo' on which I've added the whole chatter functionality:

class sel_mdo(models.Model):
    _name = 'sel.mdo'
    _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'ir_needaction_mixin']
Now when a button is pressed in this view I'd like to post a new message in this chatter. I do it like this:
def mdo_indienen(self):
        'state': 'aanvraag',

    body = _(u'My custom notification!')
    return self.message_post(body=body)
This all works fine but I have one problem at this point: all users that belong to the group 'aa_sel_kempen.group_sel_manager' should be added as followers before this notification is sent and all the users that belong to this group should get this message inside their Odoo inbox. I've tried the following:

def mdo_indienen(self):

    user_ids = self.pool.get('res.users').search(self._cr, self._uid, [])
    user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers = []
    for user_id in user_ids:
        flag = self.pool.get('res.users').has_group(self._cr, user_id, 'aa_sel_kempen.group_sel_manager')
        if flag is True:
    # Write on the record
        'state': 'aanvraag',
        'message_follower_ids': user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers

body = _(u'My text') return self.message_post(body=body) 

This leaves me with two problems though:
1) I see that followers are added but they aren't users but relations (from the model 'res.partner')
2) When a correct follower (from 'res.partner') is added (manually by me) I still see no notification showing up under messaging. The new posted message on this record should also be seen from the inbox under Messaging.

So, what am I missing?

Author Best Answer

The final solution:

@api.multi def mdo_indienen(self): self.ensure_one() #Attach all people that are in the group user_ids = self.pool.get('res.users').search(self._cr, self._uid, []) user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers = []

for user_id in user_ids: flag = self.pool.get('res.users').has_group(self._cr, user_id, 'aa_sel_kempen.group_sel_manager') if flag is True: user_record = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(self._cr, self._uid, user_id) user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers.append(

#Write on the record self.write({ 'state': 'aanvraag', 'message_follower_ids': user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers })

""" Write a notification message on the chatter of this MDO. This message should also be shown in the messages inbox for all admins. """ body = _(u'Er is een nieuwe MDO aanvraag ingediend voor de patiënt ' + + '.') return self.message_post(body=body, partner_ids = user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers

So I had to get the partner_ids in place of the user_ids (thank you Samantha!) and finally I had to add partner_ids = user_ids_to_attach_as_chat_followers so that the message is shown in the inbox for all added users (under Messaging).


Welcome :)

Best Answer

First of all, if you want to add a followers you should get their partner_ids not user_ids. Your self.message_post is not complete.

If you want to send a notification, below is an example:

cr, uid, False,
subject="Message Subject",
body= ("Message body."),
partner_ids = followers,


Thanks this gave me a global idea about how to do this, upvoted it!

Best Answer

For you question, I have a simpler way. Prepare a channel with the users you want to give access.

Now go to settings -> Technical settings -> Automated actions -> Create automated action -> select the model -> choose 'Add followers' option in ACTION TO DO. You can add followers or you can also add channels. You Can also use trigger conditions option.
