I'd like to make notes on employees, that should not be visible by all employees, just be the manager and the employee himself.
I tried to extend the view, but the attributes seem not to work on the oe_chatter nore on message_ids.
This is the
<div class="oe_chatter">
<field name="message_follower_ids" widget="mail_followers" groups="base.group_user"/>
<field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread" invisible="True"/>
This is the extended view
<xpath expr="//field[@name='message_ids']" position="attributes">
<attribute name="attrs">{}</attribute>
<attribute name="groups">hr.group_hr_manager</attribute>
Still the oe_chatter is visible to all employees.
Any help is appreciated.
Look into Display multiple form and tree view for same model: http://learnopenerp.blogspot.com/2017/12/display-multiple-form-and-tree-view-for.html
hope this will helps you.