I have a problem in inheriting a custom model created from Odoo interface, where I cannot append a new field from a custom module (addons-custom/mycustom)
Here is step by step :
1- create a model from settings-> model: x_check_y
2- develop a custom module in order to add a field to the model:
class CheckY(models.Model):
_inherit = 'x_check_y'
temp = fields.Char("temp")
3- restart Odoo: Model x_check_y does not exist in registry
raise TypeError("Model %r does not exist in registry." % name)
TypeError: Model 'x_check_y' does not exist in registry.
Note that the inheritance is working on OpenAcademy module where I have added a new field on courses from this custom module.
Odoo 10 Enterprise / Ubuntu