You can't use it, I have the same situation today and looking at OpenERP source code the tag storyPlace is not implemented maybe because reportlab platyplus doesn't provide support for this and I couldn't find any reference for this tag in the reportlab source code. The only reference about this is in the reportlab docs. I saw that an alternative reportlab implementation called z3c already have support for this tag.
The solution that I use is the place tag inside pageGraphics in pageTemplate. This let me put an blockTable at a given position. For example my pageTemplate looks like this:
<pageTemplate id="main1">
<frame id="first" x1="28.0" y1="28.0" width="539" height="786"/>
<drawCentredString x="10.5cm" y="0.8cm">Página <pageNumber/> de <pageCount/></drawCentredString>
<place x="3cm" y="5cm" width="530.0" height="205.0">
<blockTable colWidths="235,235" style="Table_Heading">
<para style="PT">[[ get_value_in_words(objects[0].amount_total) ]]</para>
<para style="PTR">[[objects[0].amount_untaxed]] </para>
<para style="P7">
<font color="white"> </font>
<para style="P7">
<font color="white"> </font>
<para style="P7">
<font color="white"> </font>
<para style="P7">
<font color="white"> </font>
<para style="P7">
<font color="white"> </font>
<para style="PTR">[[ objects[0].amount_total ]] </para>
Hope this helps!!